Encryption Software for R&D Firms



Data breaches are becoming more and more common, with research and development (R&D) firms being some of the most vulnerable. This is because many R&D firms store a great deal of sensitive data – such as research results and client records – in unencrypted form. This allows attackers to access this information without having to break into the firm’s secure system. As a result, R&D firms need to start encrypting their data in order to protect it from breaches.

Types of Data Vulnerable at R&D Firms

Many R&D firms are now starting to realize that their data is vulnerable and needs to be protected in order to maintain competitive edge. Many of these organizations store sensitive information on outdated or unprotected systems, which can lead to serious security breaches.

At R&D firms, data is key to success. However, data security is a top priority, as any breach could have serious consequences for the firm. Here are six types of data that are vulnerable at R&D firms:

Clinical trials data

Clinical trials are a vital part of medical research, and it is important to protect the data of patients who participate in them. This data can help identify potential treatment options and track the progress of patients throughout their treatments. The results of the data can be very sensitive, and improper handling or storage could lead to serious consequences for both researchers and participants. There have been multiple legal regulations imposed by the Government to protect the clinical trial results data.

Drug efficiency results

R&D firms are often responsible for discovering new medications and testing them to see if they are effective. This process can be very time consuming, and it is important that the drugs that are discovered meet all of the requirements set by the regulatory bodies. In order to ensure that these drugs are effective, R&D firms need to monitor the efficacy of the drug by keeping a close eye on the trial results. The results of the trial are frequently exchanged to arrive at pharmacologic compounds. This data can be sensitive and has a competitive value which if hacked can poise devastating consequences for the R&D firms.

Production process related information

In order for a pharma or biotech company to create new drugs, it needs processes that are efficient and effective. However, setting up these processes can take years – even decades – due to the amount of knowledge and experience that is typically required in the process. This information is contained in various documents throughout the organization, such as procedure manuals, quality guides, methodologies descriptions, etc. Exchange of these documents occur via removable drives, emails or cloud; all of which are potential threats for a data breach attack.

Patent research data

Patents are one of the most important assets a business can have. They protect what is yours and give you the legal right to market your invention or technology without fear of competition from others. While patenting the research data may seem like a small task, it’s actually an important step in protecting the intellectual property. A single leak could lead to competitor products being released before yours hits the market, costing you profits and damage to your reputation.

Manufacturing related documents

Prior to drug manufacturing, highly confidential content is shared internally with the company’s manufacturing areas and outsources involved in the process. This information can be in documents that are sent by email, stored in document management systems or simply stored in the teams of employees and collaborators. One major risk when sharing this type of information electronically is that it could be compromised. Hackers may be able to gain access to this data through a security breach, or by stealing an employee’s laptop or smartphone.

New drug launch data

Before the drug is launched in the market the R&D company generates umpteen amount of data around marketing, financial projections, economical etc. Safeguarding this sensitive information is vital for the longevity of the company.

How Cryptainer Enterprise Helps Prevent Data Breaches

Data breaches at R&D firms are most commonly caused by theft or loss (44%), followed by insider threats (27%) and phishing/virus attacks (21%). By encrypting their data, these firms are protecting their intellectual property, patient’s data and client information. Encryption ensures that sensitive data remains confidential, and Cryptainer Enterprise with an admin module provides the business the much-needed security without impacting the underlying operating systems of the firms. provides the necessary security tools to help R&D firms keep their data safe from hackers.

 The admin module allows access control of individual vaults, monitor sharing of data and manage hierarchical flow. Using the admin module, owners can restore data not only in the case of a data breach but also in case of a physical device loss. The data encryption software is easy-to-use, and the secure vaults can be moved across the systems using Cryptainer Enterprise Install. Without interfering with the individual user’s passwords, the admin can control and monitor the vaults. The data encryption software can be deployed without additional training and encrypt varying kinds of data formats in seconds. The user-interface is simple, and the software is compliant with Global regulations too. Using the drag-and-drop feature one can encrypt data stored in laptops, desktops, removable media like USBs, floppy disks, hard drives etc. Compatible with all Windows versions, the Cryptainer Enterprise acts like a foundational pillar to an enterprise’s data security strategy.


The evolving digitization and exchange of information via cloud, internet-of-devices, removable media pose the growing vulnerabilities of a data breach at R&D companies. As such, it is important to take every step possible to ensure the security of your data and intellectual property. Encryption software like Cryptainer Enterprise can help R&D firms achieve just that by providing a reliable and secure platform for storing sensitive data. The admin module let’s users monitor data without interfering with their systems and prevents against data breach as well as data loss in case of a physical data theft.

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