Cryptainer Pro

Encryption for Accountants

Introduction Financial data is critical information stored by accountants. Accessing such sensitive information is a treasure-hunt for cybercriminals. Despite measures deployed to protect hackers continuously pry for attacking the sensitive data. Data breach attack can cause huge financial loss for the accountants and even create legal implications for them. There have been multiple cyberattacks around

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Encryption for Wealth Managers and Insurance Agents

Introduction Every individual nowadays has an insurance or has invested their wealth in the market. Most of the time, these investments are handled by insurance agents or wealth managers. In order to transact for the services the customers share their financial data, Government IDs, , employment details, and the bank details. Although, data is stored

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Encryption for Educational Institutions

How cyberattacks are affecting the educational institutions Like everything else, education is being transformed with the increasing use of technology. Most educational institutes and universities have been providing educational content through online classes. Even students have their university accounts, which they can log in from anywhere and access the content. Although it has been a

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Encryption for doctors

Introduction Around the world, doctor’s offices are now modernized with computers storing patient digital records, appointments and payment information. With technology being incorporated into healthcare, sharing data with multiple doctors at different locations or within the hospital is very common. However, with the digitization of patient data, no healthcare provider wants to be part of

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Cypherix is the leader in software-based encryption software for enterprises and individuals. Since each individual and company has certain requirements, which are different from each other, Cypherix created different versions of their encryption software to provide different functionalities. One of the most popular encryption software they provide is the Cryptainer enterprise encryption software. However, based

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Why Use Cryptainer?

There is virtually no privacy on almost all desktops today. Privacy and security that we take for granted in the real world does not exist on your PC. With very little or no effort, all data is accessible to any number to people – from family and co-workers to system administrators and hackers. Cryptainer encryption

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